breadth = width
use = *
cyclone = storm
use = *
niche = nook, best position for something
use = make a niche for himself
severity = harshness
use = *
fabricate = construct
use = he fabricated an excuse to avoid trouble
clandestine = secret
use = clandestine activities
stint = limit, assignment
use = He has just finished a stint of compulsory military service
derogatory = degrading
use = derogatory comment
use = a benevolent action
industry = business or trade, energy
use = *
inconceivable = unthinkable
use = It would be inconceivable for her to change her mind.
abduct = kidnap
use = abducted from his car
gregarious = sociable, outgoing
use = a gregarious person
swindler = cheat
use = the swindler was jailed
fabricated = constructed, invented
use = a fabricated story
lewd = sexual in an obvious and rude way
use = a lewd suggestion
culminate = climax
use = Their many years of research have finally culminated in a cure for the disease
tribute = a gift or statement showing respect
use = Tributes have been pouring in from all over the world
ancillary = supplementary, subsidiary, subordinate
use = ancillary unit
upshot = result
use = The upshot of the discussions is that
incite = foment, provoke
use = he incited racial hatred
balm = soothing ointment, soothing, healing influence
use = a new skin balm
babble = to talk foolishly or murmur
use = he was just babbling
rebuke = criticize
use = He received a stern rebuke from the manager
parable = allegory
use = the wise man told parables
anthrax = disease
use = anthrax virus
becoming = proper
use = That's a most becoming dress
aggrieved = unjustly injured
use = He felt aggrieved at not being chosen for the team
dissolution = disintegration
use = the assembly was dissolve
colloquial = informal speech
use = colloquial speech
elusive = evasive
use = Success, however, remained elusive for her
livid = enraged, reddened with anger
use = He was livid when he found out
correlation = mutual relationship, association
use = There's a high correlation between smoking and lung cancer
annex = to attach
use = turn left to go to the annex
nuisance = annoyance
use = power failure was a real nuisance
hygienic = sanitary, clean
use = It is not hygienic
hypothetical = theoretical, speculative
use = a hypothetical example
use = he had to face a court-martial for disobeying the commanding officer
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